WWW Student Resources


African Art: Aesthetics and Meaning
Art and Art History
Links for educators and students.
Art Movements and Periods
Castable Soda Kiln
The following pages are of a castable soda kiln project that took place Spring 97' at Fresno City College.
China Painting is a very rewarding form of Porcelain Art that is as popular and treasured today as it has been in the past.
Cool Art Resources
Le Centre Du Silence - Samuel Avital, Director
Major Jazz Composers and Performers
Masks from around the world.
Paris Pages Musee du Louvre
The Incas Art & Culture
Pictorial tribute to the pottery, gold work and masonry of the Incas. Includes history of Ecuador, links, and more.
Images and links to non-Western art before 1900.
WebMuseum: Bienvenue!
Famous paintings with info about the painters.
Wildflower Photography
Contains a collection of wildflower photography, including rare and endangered species of orchid in Northeastern North America.

Foreign Language

AltaVista: Translations
Translate French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish to and from English.
Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student
Learn Spanish from 50+ modules covering pronunciation, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and other themes.
Carrie Stacks
Links to foreign language to American dictionaries.
FL Resources
Projects, links, and online homework help for Spanish, French and German.
Joint Language Training Center
Collection of foreign language related links, sorted by languages and other subjects.
National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center
Resource for K-12 foreign language teachers.
The World Language Resource
This site provides links to the best sites available for learning to speak a foreign language
Virtual Language Centre
This site is dedicated to providing an integrated range of language learning and teaching materials which can be accessed for self-access study or by teachers for use in their classes.
Welcome to GlobeGate
This is the primary host site for the GlobeGate Project, a not-for-profit organization created to provide a centralized internet resource for students and teachers of foreign languages.


Center for Living Democracy
The Center for Living Democracy inspires and prepares people to make democracy a rewarding, practical, everyday approach to solving society's problems.
Central Intelligence Agency
CIA 1997 World Factbook
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Government Resources on the Web
Annotated list of federal, state, international, foreign, political science, and statistical resources.
Library of Congress Home Page
Peace Corps: The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love!
Everything you need to know about becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer.
Simplified Rules of Order--Principles of Parliamentary Procedure
Study for the Citizenship Test
There are multiple choice tests along with study pages to prepare you for testing on the American history and U.S. system of government.
The American Experience/The Presidents
20 th century Presidents.
The Federal Web Locator
Comprehensive list of federal government web sites and info.
The U.S. Legislative Branch
US government web site with lots of links to and info on the US government
Welcome To The White House


Bartlett, John. 1901. Familiar Quotations
Bartlett's Quotations - The latest edition, with an online search feature.
Booknotes: A Cyber Companion
America's finest authors on reading, writing, and the power of ideas. Includes transcripts and and RealVideo clips from the C-SPAN show.
CARRIE: Stacks
Links to full text pages of many authors.
CLA: English
The goal of the English project is to assist K-12 teachers across the wide range of subjects and skills that they are called upon to master.
Folk Tales/ Africa
Ninth-grade students at Huron High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan wrote "folk tales" of their own invention, during a unit about African cultures, geography, and literature that was part of their interdisciplinary studies.
Guide to Grammar and Writing
Prepared by Professor of English/Humanities Charles Darling for his English courses at Capital Community-Technical College.
HTGREP form for works by Robert Harris
A Glossary of Literary Terms and A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices
Index for The Electronic Journals Collection
Mark Twain quotations
Mark Twain Quotations, Newspaper Collections, and Related Resources
On-Book: Introduction to Literature Study
These pages are designed to help students at the high-school and college level as they begin the formal study of literature.
Strunk, William. 1918. The Elements of Style.
The Cool Word of the Day Page
Learn a new word a day! Also, vocabulary, spelling, and definitions.
Young Writer's Clubhouse
Welcome to the Clubhouse! If you want to be a writer, or even think you might want to be a writer, this is the place for you.


Based on the books Abstract Algebra & Abstract Algebra II
Berkeley Preliminary Exams
Geometry and the Imagination in Minneapolis
This document consists of the collection of handouts for a two-week summer workshop entitled 'Geometry and the Imagination', led by John Conway, Peter Doyle, Jane Gilman and Bill Thurston at the Geometry Center in Minneapolis, June 17-28, 1991.
History of Mathematics: China
Primary sources are Mikami's The Development of Mathematics in China and Japan and Li Yan and Du Shiran's Chinese Mathematics, a Concise History.
Mathematic and Pattern Based Reason
For grades 9-12.
The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math
Answers to lots of questions from students.


Chinese Philosophy
These are mainly interpretations of Chinese Philosophy, particularly Daoism (Taoism) and Classical Chinese theories of language and mind.
Greek Philosophy Archive
Download the works of Greek philosophers, visit the sculpture garden.
Philosophy Page
A Collection of Philosophy/Religion E-books.
Philosophy Pages
This site offers helpful information for the study of traditional Western philosophy.
Rutgers Philosophy Resourcess - Electronic Texts
Western philosophy.



AmeriSpeak: expressions of our American ancestors
Here�s a place to record those phrases that have been passed down through the generations in your family!
Carrie Stacks
Dictionaries and Thesauri.
Casey's Snow Day Reverse Dictionary (and Guru)
You type in a definition, and Casey's dictionary will tell you which word you are trying to think of!
Dictionary of American Regional English
The Dictionary is based both on face-to-face interviews carried out in all fifty states between 1965 and 1970, and on a comprehensive collection of written materials (diaries, letters, novels, histories, biographies, newspapers, and government documents).
Hypertext Webster Gateway at UCSD
This hypertext Webster interface provides a point-and-click client interface (for non-linemode browsers) for accessing various dictionary services on the Internet.
New Words in English -- Intro
The words on this page give a good picture of the creative aspects of word formation and use in present day English.


Encyberpedia(tm) by Bob Kerstein
The Living Encyclopedia from Cyberspace.
FREE Internet Encyclopedia
This is an encyclopedia composed of information available on the Internet.
Information Please Home Page
From the print reference database, offering millions of useful and interesting facts on a wide range of topics online. Also includes a dictionary and encyclopedia.
Knowledge Adventure Encyclopedia
From here, you can access information on a variety of really cool subjects right from your computer. It's a great homework helper!
Smithsonian FAQs: Encyclopedia Smithsonian
Frequently Asked Questions and Research Topics


The Campus Library: Newsstand, Information Services
The campus library is a great way to save a tree and hours looking up material for that research paper due next week.
The Internet Public Library
Ask a reference question, relax in the reading room, or search the catalog for online texts.
The Michigan Electronic Library: Main Menu
Librarian created directory of Web resources; designed to be a comprehensive electronic information tool for the state's libraries, schools and citizens.
WWW Virtual Library

A Dictionary of Measures, Units and Conversions
An explanation of the principle systems of units, their history, standards, and conversion factors for changing from one to the other.
ERIC -- Educational Resources Information Center
National information system designed to provide users with ready access to an extensive body of education-related literature.
NAA�: Hotlinks to Newspapers Online
The Thesaurus of Geographic Names
Search on place and feature names worldwide. Results identify location contextually, ie what state or province a city is in, and by coordinates.
U.S. Community Colleges, by State
This page of UT Austin Web Central lists all regionally-accredited community colleges in the U.S. and provides links to those with a Web presence.
USGS Mapping Information
Find out where a city or other feature such as a mountain or lake is in the United States.
Web U.S. Universities, Alphabetic
This page of UT Austin Web Central contains an alphabetic list of regionally-accredited U.S. universities.


Astronomy & Space

Astronomical pictures & animations
An online 4.8 gigabytes astronomical server
Astronomy - What's UP This Month ??
This page is updated on the FIRST of every month.
Astronomy Camp Home Page
Spend a week at the University of Arizona learning about astronomy from scientists during the day, and studying the sky at night.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Homepage
NASA Homepage
PDS Mars Explorer for the Armchair Astronaut
The Mars Explorer allows you to get an image map of any area on Mars at a variety of zoom factors, image sizes, and map projections.
Stephen Hawking's Universe
Where do we come from? How did the universe begin? Why is the universe the way it is? How will it end?
The Nine Planets
The Nine Planets is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system.


*Virtual Library: Biosciences
A Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms
Searchable database of genetic terms with hypertext cross references and pictures.
CELLS alive!
Fun Facts About Fungi Catalog
We find fungi so fascinating that we wanted to share some fun facts about fungi with you.
Living Things
If it's alive, it's in here.
Netfrog--The Interactive Frog Dissection--Title Page
The Interactive frog Dissection was designed for use in high school biology classrooms.
The Albatross Project
Kids from all over are joining with scientists to track ocean-going albatrosses in Hawaii !!!
Tropical Rainforest in Suriname
A multimedia tour through the rainforest in Suriname (SA).


A Periodic Table of the Elements
Click an element for more information.
Chemical Education Resource Shelf
This site provides high school and college-level chemistry educators with various teaching resources
CHEMystery: An Interactive Guide to Chemistry
We have created CHEMystery, a virtual chemistry textbook, to provide an interactive guide for high school chemistry students.
General Chemistry Online!
An interactive guide and Web resource for students and teachers of introductory college chemistry.
Welcome To ChemWeb Online
This site was put together by a group of high school students as a ThinkQuest project.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

Environmental Education at the BLM
Teacher resources on topics such as Great Basin ecosystems, gold mining, fire ecology, and lots more.
EPA Wetlands - Table of Contents
This site will give you a better understanding of the rich variety of wetlands
Geography Education @ nationalgeographic.com
Globe Program Welcome
Since 1995, GLOBE students have been engaged in assisting the scientific community and expanding their own knowledge of the Earth by regularly taking and reporting environmental data at their schools.
USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO), Home Page
USGS website monitoring the Hawaiian volcanoes.
Welcome to UCMP! (Paleontology)
University of California Museum of Paleontology.

Health & Medicine

*The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Epidemiology
Adolescence Directory On-Line (ADOL) is an electronic guide to information on adolescent issues.
HIV | InSite | Home
Gateway to AIDS knowledge.
Human Anatomy On-line - InnerBody.com
Ideal reference for students studying human anatomy and for those who just want to know more about the medical descriptions commonly used by doctors and nurses.
Scientific American: Explorations: Closing in on Addiction.
Explores the possibility of common a biochemical basis for substance addictions.
The W.U.S.M. Neuroscience Tutorial
An illustrated guide to the essential basics of clinical neuroscience created in conjunction with the first-year course for medical students.
Virtual Hospital Home Page
Presented by the Electric Differential Multimedia Laboratory, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa.


Live from Earth and Mars
Educational materials based on real time and retrospective atmospheric sciences and space sciences data and information.
Meteorology Guide: the online guides
An Online Guide to Meteorology with all kinds of weather information.
Severe Weather!
This page gives an in depth view of the world of severe weather.
The University of Michigan Weather Underground
Curriculum, services, and resources in support of K-12 science education.
The Weather Channel - Weather Maps
Surface weather maps from The Weather Channel.
Weather Satellite Imagery
This is a collection of satellite information and images. We have made this collection in order for people to learn about what satellites do and how they operate.


Help for Physics Students
Web Pages to Help Physics Students.
How Things Work Home Page
Think of this site as a radio call-in program that's being held on the WWW instead of the radio. If you ask how something works, using the button below, I'll try to provide an explanation.
Nuclear Physics: Past, Present and Future
A number of lessons on how and why our nuclear technology works.
Physics 2000
Welcome to Physics 2000, an interactive journey through modern physics! This is a place to have fun learning visually and conceptually about 20th Century science and high-tech devices.
The Interactive Physics Problem Set Contents Page
This web contains almost 100 practice problems for physics students.
Java Applets, VRML and ShockWave for visualization and demonstration in the world of Physics.
Visual Physics
Tool for physics students and teachers which integrates Internet resources while learning the science.

Automotive Learning On-line - InnerAuto.com
Explore the engineering marvel of the automobile.
Cornell Theory Center Math and Science Gateway
This Gateway provides links to resources in mathematics and science for educators and students in grades 9-12, although teachers of other levels may find these materials helpful.
Exploratorium: ExploraNet
The Exploratorium is a museum of science, art, and human perception with over 500 interactive "hands on" exhibits.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter II
The Keirsey Character Sorter is designed to identify different kinds of personality.
MadSci Net: Ask-A-Scientist (and more) on the WWW
A great area for getting answers to all kinds of science questions.
Science Education Gate-Way
Learning adventures in Earth and Space science from a NASA-sponsored partnership of museums, researchers and educators.
Science Resources
This web site is for science teachers to share teaching materials.

Search Engines

AltaVista: Main Page
GTE SuperPages�: Interactive Yellow Pages
Lycos Home Page
Switchboard White Pages, Yellow Pages
Welcome to Excite!

Study Help

Homework Help
Volunteer teachers will help get you through some of your hardest problems.
Study WEB
Find what you're looking for as quickly as possible.
TRFN - Homework Help
Homework Help by Subject Area.
WebWare SAT Skill Lessons
These skill lessons are provided to help you review the math and verbal skills tested on the SAT test.

US History

Military History

Deals with military aviation history.
Launching the new US Navy
Primary Sources, Activities, and Links to Related Web Sites for Educators and Students.
Letters Home from an Iowa Soldier in the U. S. Civil War
Welcome to the Center of Military History
US Army military history site.
Welcome to the U.S. Civil War Center!
This site has an index of links to civil war sites on the internet. Very comprehensive.

Presidential Libraries

Bush Presidential Library and Museum
Carter Presidential Library
Clinton-Gore Internet Archives
Eisenhower Presidential Library
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum
Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum
Home Page for the LBJ Library
Hoover Presidential Library
John F. Kennedy Library Home Page
Presidential Libraries IDEA Network
Info about each of the presidents of the US.
Reagan Presidential Library
The Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation
Truman Presidential Library

A Journey Towards Freedom
his This site is designed to be an online reference tool and a forum for discussion on American History around the time of the Revolution (1763-1810).
American Civil War Information Archive
American Historical Documents
American History, Page 1, Spanish Conquest of Native America
American Indian History Resources
Links to maps, timelines, tribal histories, and written and oral histories.
American Memory from the Library of Congress
Site with text, pictures, video and more dealing with american history. Lots of interesting stuff.
American/Canadian History
Links to sites for teachers and students.
An Abridged History of the United States
Mostly information from about 1900 on.
Ben Franklin Documents
Includes Poor Richard's Almanac
From Revolution to Reconstruction
Great Seal of the United States
Origin of the Great Seal of the Unites States.
Historical Maps of the United States
Historical maps of the United States from the Perry Castanedan Library Map Collection at the Univ of Texas at Austin. Includes pre-colonial American Indian dipersement. Also has some historical city maps.
History of the United States Postal Service 1775-1993
History of USPS including the pony express.
Hot Links for American Indian Tribal Libraries
This site includes links useful to librarians and other providers of information who serve North American Indian populations.
Impact of McCarthyism
An essay by Ellen Schrecker.
LIBERTY! The American Revolution
Norwest Corporation and PBS Online are pleased to present the official online companion to LIBERTY! The American Revolution.
Library of Congress Home Page
Making of America
Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project at Stanford University
National Archives and Records Administration
NPS - Golden Gate NRA - Alcatraz
Out in the middle of the San Francisco Bay, the island of Alcatraz is a world unto itself.
The American South Home Page
Links to sites dealing with the american south.
The Flag of the United States of America
Chronological history of the flag.
The History of The United States Penny Online
Everything you always wanted to know about that penny in your pocket.
The Smithsonian Institution Home Page
United States - History - Colonial Period
Good collection of links to maps, papers, etc. from the colonial period (1600-1775).
WIC - Women's History in America
WPA Life Histories--Home Page
Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project (1936-1940).


E. Kenneth Hoffman - Vietnam Portfolio
Portfolio of 80 photographs taken in Vietnam (1969-70).
Edwin Moise Bibliography of the Vietnam War
Final Solution Table of Contents
Collection of articles and original documents pertaining to the Final Solution. From the Jewish Student Online Research Center.
German Propaganda Archive (Guide Page)
Collection of English translations of German propaganda materials from the Third Reich and East German eras.
index to internment
This is the homepage of Arthur D. Jacobs , Major, USAF Retired; Researcher: Internment in the United States during World War II, December 7, 1941 - July 1948
Internment and Evacuation of San Francisco Japanese � 1942
collection of 1942 newspaper articles which details the evacuation of the Japanese from San Francisco, and other West Coast cities.
Japanese War Crimes
This page is for the memorial of the victims of the Japanese atrocities in the Second Sino-Japan War and their families, and for Justice and Peace, and for our humanity.
Korean War FAQ Korean War History Korean War History Korean War FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Korean War, campaign stories from Chinese perspective, factual descriptions of political asepects unavailable from US sources.
Remembering Pearl Harbor
The Battle of the Bulge
The Great War (Latest revision: 29th June, 1998)
Battle accounts, list of hostile nations, maps and pictures, and the story of the 36th (Ulster) Division.
The U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848
The U.S.-Mexican War began on April 25, 1846.
The War from a Parlor
Stereoscopic Images of the Philippine-American War and Soldiers' Letters Home.
Historian Robert Brigham's overview of the Viet Nam War with links to numerous official documents, including several Hanoi documents unavailable elsewhere.
World War 1 Political Cartoons
WW2 Timeline

World History


*Africa: History
Byzantine Alexandria and Egypt (312 - 641 CE)
Egypt After the Ptolemies Byzantine Egypt and Afterwards.
Color Tour of Egypt
Choose one of the Egyptian sites below. You can also browse this exhibit by way of a clickable map.
Egypt Under Roman Rule (30 BCE - 312 CE)
Egypt After the Ptolemies Egypt Under Roman Rule.
Historical Overviews of Ptolemaic Egypt (323 - 27 BCE)
Historical Overviews of Ptolemaic Egypt.
Oseland Ancient History Classics
This page focuses on the civilizations of the ancient Near East.


American Indian History Resources
Links to maps, timelines, tribal histories, and written and oral histories.
Welcome to the Maya/Aztec/Inca Center of the Lords of the Earth, a Web site, which deals with the Archeology and Anthropology of the Americas.
The Maya Calendar
The ritual calendar that developed in Mesoamerica used a count of 260 days.


China5K Pro Home Page
China 5K Pro is the first interactive timeline representation of Chinese History, including culture, art, education, science, and government reference of China.
Empires Beyond the Great Wall: The Heritage of Genghis Khan
The Heritage of Genghis Khan.
History of China: Table of Contents
Internet Indian History Sourcebook
This page is a subset of texts derived from the three major online Sourcebooks listed below, along with added texts and web site indicators.
Philippine History
Culled from various sources, these colorful recountings of social customs and historical timelines provide an introduction to the history and culture of the Philippine people.
Voice of Hibakusha
Eye-witness accounts of the bombing of Hiroshima, from the video HIROSHIMA WITNESS produced by Hiroshima Peace Cultural Center and NHK.


Ancient Roman History Timeline
Provides a chronological index of the history of Ancient Rome with extensive links to internet resources. Emphasis is placed upon the use of primary source material and new perspectives upon the roles of women in ancient time.
Croatia - Historical and Cultural Overview
Overview of its History, Culture and Science
Library of Congress Soviet Archives Exhibit
These documents provide an unprecedented inside look at the workings of one of the largest, most powerful and long-lived political machines of the modern era.
The Ancient Greek World Index
The Chauvet Cave
A Decorated Paleolithic Cave in the Ard�che Region of France.


Bodleian Library Map Room - The Map Case
A selection of worldwide historical maps from the University of Oxford's Bodleian Library Map Room.
Heritage Antique Map Museum - Viewing Gallery
Map Collections Home Page
From the Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress.
Oddens's Bookmarks
The Fascinating World of Maps and Mapping.
Rare Map Collection
The Hargrett Rare Books and Manuscripts Library at the University of Georgia maintains a collection of about 800 historical maps spanning nearly 500 years, from the sixteenth century through the early twentieth century.
Welcome to TerraServer
Did you ever wonder what your neighborhood looked like from space, or wished you could get an aerial shot of your favorite vacation spot?

*: A2Z : Arts & Humanities : History
*Electronic Text and Image Collections
1997 World Factbook
CIA World Factbook
Daily Life in Ancient Civilizations
How would you have behaved if you had lived in ancient Sparta? (Lie, cheat, steal, because that is the Sparta way!) Or in ancient Athens? Or in Corinth, Argos, or Megara? Meet the Greeks! They were a riot! And choose your city-state!
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
We live in a time of unparalleled instances of democide, genocide and ethnocide.
Index of Resources for History
This index consists of a single large file (approximately 200 Kb) offering about 3000 connections arranged alphabetically by subject and name.
Library of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handbook Series
Series of studies on nations that include facts-at-a-glance and comprehensive sections on history, society and culture.
Medieval Sourcebook: Introduction
The Internet Medieval Sourcebook is now part of ORB, the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.
NATO Official Homepage
North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
ORB--Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies
ORB is an academic site, written and maintained by medieval scholars for the benefit of their fellow instructors and serious students.
The Ancient World Web: Main Index
Deals with anything having to do with the Ancient World: art, history, law, archaeology, etc.
The History Ring
Hundreds of links to history pages on the web.
The Peloponnesian War
The war was a catastrophe for Athens. She lost her empire so thoroughly that she never regained it.
The World Wide Holiday and Festival Page
This site was awarded a Times Pick by the Los Angeles Times on January 28th, 1998.
Welcome to FOTW
FOTW (Flags Of The World) is a site devoted to vexillology. Here you can read more than 1500 pages and view more than 2500 images about flags.
World History